terça-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2012

Why Most LinkedIn Users Don't Get Results

LinkedIn has added a lot of functionality. Especially in Groups, Company Pages and Events.What’s changed about LinkedIn over the past few years?

What we have experienced in requests is a trend from individuals to teams to whole organizations. In other words: a few years ago individuals wanted to know what they could do with LinkedIn, then teams like sales and recruiting and now CEO’s contact us for advice how to use LinkedIn at a company wide level. That’s an interesting shift. It also implies that more and more companies start to give LinkedIn the credits it deserves.

A lot of professionals are on LinkedIn but few are maximizing it as a networking, branding and career tool. To get expert LinkedIn advice, I called upon Jan Vermeiren. Jan is the founder of Networking Coach, the first LinkedIn Certified Training company in the world. Jan is the author of the networking books: Let’s Connect! and How to REALLY Use LinkedIn (2nd edition). He is giving away a million copies for free and is raising a million for charity. He’s worked with companies such as IBM and Nike.  


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